Color Cyclopedia of Garden Flora in all Climates
and Exotic Plants Indoors
8,100 Photos
in Living Color
1218 Pages
$125.00 |
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ISBN # 0-911266-25-9
Hortica is, for
ease of plant identification, a gathering of illustrations,
presenting a most comprehensive selection of choice ornamentals,
as well as useful plants and edible fruit, photographed in gardens,
botanical collections and Arboreta, or in habitat around the
Appended by a concise descriptive text, giving family, origin,
synonyms if any, vernacular or common names, character with
measurements and usefulness. All plants have been assigned their
zone of Cold-hardiness, or Range of optimum climate tolerance,
as a guide to suitable placement in garden planting.
Hortica differs
from the companion works Tropica and Exotica
by showing more of the Garden Flora of Temperate and Colder
climates, while also including the best of Warm-climate subjects,
in the interest of comprehensive coverage of plants as grown
in horticulture world-wide.
The Contents include a series of 16 explanatory Essays on the
various Plant groupings in Hortica, a Common Names Index, Botanical
Terms with chart, Pronunciation of Latinized Scientific names,
Bibliography, International Metric System Conversions, Climate
maps showing hardiness zones, World vegetation maps, Plant Geography.
pictorial Section is grouped into 16 categories:
570 Exotic Plants Indoors, incl. Aroids, Begonias,
Bromelias, Gesneriads, etc.
180 Orchids - Queens of Plants
215 Palms, Cycads and Palm-like Plants
147 Ferns and Fern-like Plants
512 Cacti and other Succulents
65 Carnivores and Curios
552 Climbers and Creepers
114 Water Plants and Near-Aquatics
1662 Herbaceous Perennials and Annuals
217 Herbs and Spices
197 Bamboos and Grasses
319 Conifers, mostly evergreen
108 Hedges, Topairy, Bonsai
2408 Flowering Shrubs and Trees
341 Edible Fruit, Nuts, and Berries
471 Bulbs,
Corm and Tubers